วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Choose an Engagement Ring

You've found the girl of your dreams, and you are going to pop the question...just as soon as you do what every man dreads: pick out the ring. That quest can cause a lot of stress. So here are a few steps to help you out.
1Next time you're in the mall, take her by some jewelry stores and just browse the engagement ring section. Tell her to feel free to try a few on, and see which ones she really likes. If you feel uncomfortable or want the ring to be more of a surprise, then have a close friend of hers go with her just for fun.
2Pay close attention to the jewelry she wears everyday. Try to familiarize yourself with the metals and styles she likes and maybe even those she doesn't.
3Once you've figured all that out, go shopping on your own. Figure out what the best diamond (or precious gem) is for your budget and pick out a few rings. Tell the jeweler to hold them for you. Most places will hold them for up to a week. Or explain to the jeweler what you plan to do, which will come in the next few steps. Many of them will be willing to help play along, not only is it fun, but its part of their job when it comes to "The Ring".
4Schedule an appointment with that jeweler to clean or repair a watch or something of yours. Walk-ins are welcome in a lot of cases. Make sure she comes along. Casually browse over the selection of engagement rings, and get her to randomly try on the ones you picked out for her and judge her reaction. If she shows a strong preference for one ring, then you know which one to get.
5Don't let her talk you down in price. If she is really the one, then she'll appreciate the fact you worked so hard to get the ring.


Don't buy a ring without knowing what she thinks of it.

Have her shop online and send you a wish list of items she would like to have, this will help you get a clear idea of what type of cut for a diamond she prefers.

If your potential fiancee has a close sister or friend, take the sister/friend along for advice.

If she's close to her mom, her mom is likely to know what she'll like.


Most places will offer financing, and please don't buy a ring from a pawn shop! Make sure your ring comes with a warrantee and insurance in case anything happens to it.

Don't hold the ring against her...i.e. don't use it as leverage in any future fight you may have.

